Divorce Counseling
Divorce is a significant psychological event and affects everyone involved. It is one of the most stressful situations a person can find themselves in, second only to the death of a loved one. Divorce is the loss of hopes and dreams one once shared with the other. People experience the same kinds of emotions one goes through when someone they love dies except in divorce anger is often the dominant feeling and overshadows deep sadness and pain. People can get caught in their anger as a way of not feeling their more vulnerable feelings, not letting go, and delaying their grief work and ability to move forward in their lives. This situation can become destructive to themselves and to their children. The way parents cope with divorce will in large part determine how children cope. Even when a relationship ends, parenting does not. Children need very specific things when their family is reorganizing and they are vulnerable to becoming symptomatic during this time. Stability and predictability are crucial. Protection is essential. Divorce counseling can assure that everyone is on a clear path to maintaining peace and dignity during what can often be a traumatic transition period.
Child Custody Mediation
People facing family reorganization due to divorce (or separation for unmarried couples) are at a crossroad and can choose from various alternative routes. A judge does not have to be the one who decides the path a family will take. Child custody mediation can minimize the disruptions that custody disputes can cause by staying out of court, avoiding costly child custody evaluations, and helping parents work together in the best interests of their child. In mediation, parents maintain control over decision making, save time and money, and preserve privacy and confidentiality for their family. Sometimes parents need to re-visit custody schedules due to changing needs and circumstances. Mediation in this situation offers the same benefits as mediation during the initial separation or divorce: saving time and money and maintaining privacy and control.